Saturday, April 10, 2010

Book Review: Why You Say It

Why You Say It: The Fascinating Stories Behind over 600 Everyday Words and Phrases by Webb Garrison is a compilation of phrases and words that we hear and use every day. The book reads like a reference book, with entries for each word or phrase divided into sections; it includes an index as well.

Why You Say It offers simple, but comprehensive, descriptions and possible origins of words and phrases like "three sheets to the wind," "whippersnapper," “crocodile tears,” “jump the gun,” and "hook, line, and sinker." The book covers a diverse range of words and phrases arranged by category. Unlike most reference books, the listings are written for the casual reader, not the academic.

As someone who loves words, knowing why we say what we do, and where those strange and quaint sayings come from, I genuinely enjoyed this book.  Why You Say It makes a fun addition to your bookshelf or even your ‘bathroom library’. The book provides easy reference to popular phrases, making it a not only a great word guide, but also a quick read when you have a few minutes to kill. It is also a great conversation starter.

(Thank you to Thomas Nelson for providing me a copy of this book to read and review. I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze program.)