Saturday, March 5, 2011

Book Review: Curiosities of the Civil War

I have read a couple of Webb Garrison’s books in the past and always found them interesting, so I was excited to review this one too.

Curiosities of the Civil War is what you would expect from Webb Garrison, a compilation of facts and research (and sometimes rumors), compiled into a user friend layman’s guide. This tome is quite large at over 500 pages of little know facts and stories related to people, places and events surrounding the Civil War. It is broken down into sections and includes a detailed index.

I am not a history buff so I was actually very overwhelmed with the deep and scope of information in this one. The remarks on a particular person, place, event or rumor are broken down in paragraph form, which makes for a quick read and easy to scan, but difficult to understand or reference if you are not familiar with that particular story or event in history.

I think anyone interested in the Civil War would love a copy of Mr. Garrison’s book and would find hours of entertainment in it. It may be too much and too obscurely referenced for the non-history buff though. I'm going to share it with my dad who is a HUGE military history buff!

(Thank you to Thomas Nelson for providing me a copy of this book to read and review. I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's BookSneeze program.)