Sunday, February 7, 2010

Craft: Valentine's Snow Globe

Here is a fun and pretty simple craft for Valentine's! Why not turn a picture of your little sweetheart into a fun snow globe?
What you will need:
~ Baby food jar
~ Picture of your little cupid
~ Filter or purified water
~ Glycerine (Glycerin)  *Optional
~ Glitter
~ Packing Tape
~ Waterpoof glue

Step 1: Creating a laminated, waterproof picture

~ First, measure or guesstimate the size of your jar's height and width. Then, print and cut a picture that is about 1/4 smaller on all sides.

~ Next, use your packing tape a carefully cover the picture on all sides, there should be a little bit of space between the picture and the edge of the tape on all sides. Make sure the tape is completely pressed together with no air bubbles. Using a wood stick, credit card edge or any flat surface really helps here.

~ Now, you should be able to slide the picture into the jar and have it touch the sides, it is ok if you have to bend the picture slightly to get it in, this will ensure your picture doesn't move inside your jar.

Step 2: The Mixture

~ Go ahead and take your picture out for now.

~ Pour your purified or filtered water into the jar, til it is about half full. Then add about 8-10 drops of glycerine to the water (Just eyeball it really - the glycerine just help the glitter float around longer. If you don't have any, don't worry!)  

~ Now, add your glitter(s). Again, just eyeball it. Don't go too crazy or you'll find the glitter starts to clump. For mine, I used a white sparkle glitter and some red heart confetti glitter.

~ Slide your picture into the jar.

~ Fill the rest of the jar with your filtered water.

Step 3: The Sticky Stuff

~ Now we need to glue the lid on using a waterproof glue. I like E-6000, but there are others out there.  Remember these glue fumes can be really strong so open a window or turn on a fan! Keep them away from the kids please!!!! This is a parent only part!

~ Add your glue to the outside top of the jar and also to the inside of the lid. Make sure you get a good coat on the lid all around, because this is what is gonna keep the snow globe from leaking!!!

~ Now, screw the lid on as tight as you can and tape it down while it drys. Most glues need at least 24 hours to dry, check your glue for specifics.

Step 4: Shake it up

~ Once the glue has set,  you can add some scrapbook paper, ribbon, and other embellishments to cover the lip of the lid!

~ Shake it up and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Jeremy needs to save me about 9 jars so I can make some of the kids! Oh, wait 10, I guess I will include Charlie.
